pic  Tree Huggers

Meander Dam Tree Huggers

There are 4 frack pads in the Surface Water Area of Protection of Meander Reservoir.   YIKES!
Accidents and Intentionals happen.
Remember the Sulfur Run spill?   YIKES!  
How often does the Ohio EPA test the water in Meanders tributaries?   YIKES!
Meander Dam Tree Huggers Needed!

pic Meander Wells Map

4 frack pads in Meanders SWAP Area?

The Cadle, Hendricks, Grenamyer and Davidson frack pads are drilled.

4 others have been permitted.

pic Sulfur Run Spill

Remember the Sulfur Run Spill?

Probably Not.
It could happen again!

There is no better reason for the people to test Meanders Tributaries regularly.

pic  Tributary Water Testing


Testing tributary water for Total Dissolved Solids (TDS) is very easy and cost effective test.

Changes in TDS will indicate that a change has happened to the water, and analysis may be necessary.

TDS checks should be performed regularly so that changes can be noticed and documented.

pic  Water Analysis

Expensive Testing

Full water analysis is expensive.  About $400.
The Ohio EPA will not test unless they have a reason.
Good records on our part may give them good reason.
Regular TDS testing of Meanders tributaries is inexpensive, good citizen science. 

Meander Dam Tree Huggers 

FrackFree Mahoning Valley also took part in an expensive collegiate study with chemical analysis.   Impressive!
Check it out here.

Check out our video page

Need some help getting off the couch?
Try this
 (Dr. Ray would approve)

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Dam Damage
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Niles Needs To Know
Meander Dam 
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Radioactive Road Salt

Ohio Broke It.  Ohio Can Fix It!


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